From taking care of your ANTIOXIDANT needs, to preventing CANCER…

My Top 10 Fruits & Veggies!

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Fruits and vegetables largely sell themselves. From the cancer preventing fibre they contain, to the vitamins and minerals they supply for our everyday health, development, and growth.

A lack of vitamins and minerals can have a HUGELY negative effect on the immune system. Nutrients found in vegetables called, “phytonutrients”, appear to have an important protective part to play in the prevention of many diseases. So be sure then to shovel down those veggies… especially when you’re on a reduced calorie intake (non-starchy veggies in particular in that scenario when every calorie counts).

A diet too low in vegetables is often also too low in fibre which of course can be, ahem, “problematic” ;). It may just start out as simple gastrointestinal discomfort, but could lead on to full blown colon cancer!

Get in around 12-15g of fibre for every 1000 calories you take in, the bulk of which I want you to get from veggies!

Simply put, optimizing your health and performance is NOT all about protein, carbs and fats… don’t skimp on your veggies people!

Try to get in at least 1-3 servings of veg with EVERY solid meal that you eat, along with a piece or two of fruit a day if calories allow…

…YES, you heard me!

If you’re eating 5 solid meals a day, that means a minimum of 5 to 15 servings of veg every single day!

If your meal frequency is on the lower end, choose more servings per meal simply.

Now, if for whatever reason you haven’t been eating much in the way of fruits and vegetables (veggies in-particular), start now by adding in 1 or more from the list below to EACH of your meals over the next week, then slowly build from there.

There are many options to choose from. Here are my suggestions:

My Top 10 Fruits & Veggies

1) Broccoli
High in calcium. Contains phytonutrients that disarm free radicals before they can cause damage to DNA.

Spinach2) Spinach
It’s phytonutrient content is off the charts with more than a dozen different flavonoid compounds which function as anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer agents. These also provide antioxidant benefits as well.

3) Asparagus
Contains the nutrient inulin, a carbohydrate which healthcare practitioners refer to as a prebiotic. It aids in supporting our digestive health. Asparagus is also a great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant.

4) Kale
Cleanses and detoxifies the liver. Kale, like Broccoli, is also high in Calcium. Their Vitamin C content significantly increases absorption.

Garlic5) Garlic
Contains Allicin which is anti-viral, anti-bacterial as well as anti-fungal.

6) Raspberries
Loaded with antioxidant properties, raspberries are also filled with Vitamin C and Manganese which are critical in protecting the body’s tissues from oxygen-related damage.

7) Pomegranate
Filled with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Blueberries8) Blueberries
Possess whole body antioxidant protection and help to maintain steady blood pressure.

9) Strawberries
Possess strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nutrients.

10) Lemons & Limes
The Kings of detox! Improve absorption of minerals as well as promoting weight loss. They have an alkalizing effect once they enter the body.

There are so many others to choose from as well boys and girls.

NO EXCUSES, get them in!

…that’s an ORDER! 😉

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