How to Dominate the Day (My Personal Ritual)

My Morning Success Ritual:

7:00 – Wake up and immediately Do my 3minutes of gratitude while still laying in my bed

7:05 – 2L of alkaline water

7:10 – Greens superfood cocktail w cytogreens base

7:30 –ย  Plan my day or Success Journaling

8:00 – Breakfast

  • 10oz lean beef/bison/elk
  • 4 whole organic free-run omega 3 eggs
  • 1cup broccoli/1cup cooked spinach
  • 1tablespoon coconut oil/1tablespoon raw organic butter
9:0010:00 – Meditation/Visualization

10:00 – Day starts.

Yup, itโ€™s a bit of a long process and most people donโ€™t have the luxury(or maybe itโ€™s the desire) of doing it. Im just lucky enough to wake up late (yes 7am is late) because sleep is such a vital aspect of my recovery.

If you work at 9, wake up at 530. Start your day preparing for success and attack the day.

I am looking for ONE person who believes that they dominate the success mindset.
They have a very good hold on the concepts of being successful and lives the success
Lifestyle every single day. Someone who has read many of the top success books and considers themselves a student of the game. Someone that is looking to advance their knowledge and expand their network. I firmly believe that YOU ARE the 5 people you surround yourself with most, and I am looking for one person who is striving to be at the top of their game and at the level of the world elite.

Are YOU that person?

Email me and tell me in 250 words or less WHY you are that person.

So, what do you think about how i structure my morning?
Any tips on how i can make it better?
How do you start your day for success?

Take a minute and comment below.


What Do You Think?

11 thoughts on “How to Dominate the Day (My Personal Ritual)”

  1. I start work at 9am, get up at 6am. Is the only way to fit in meditation, breakfast, & an early morning gym session. Or every other day I use this time to batch cook 2 days worth of food. It takes 2 hours, but I use that time to center myself & enjoy quiet of the morning.
    The funny thing is, when it’s my day off the gym AND cooking, & I have no reason to get up, my morning is never as enjoyable, nor is my day. Nothing quite sets you up for a good day as getting up with purpose!.

  2. Eamonn Harford

    hey ben,
    first of all i would like to say your an inspiration to me in my pursuit of making my life the best it can be every day. Have you ever heard of a psychologist called martin seligman, he is the founder of positive psychology. He reckons that happiness is split into three different aspects, the pleasant life, the goal life and the meaningful life. Anyway something that has been backed up by empirical research is take part in his signature strengths questionnaire on and what you do is you pick your top strengths are try to use them in a different positive way every day for 2 weeks or longer if you wish to. research has shown that this increase base happiness across all 3 aspects of happiness.
    Hopefully even if you don’t do the strengths task martin seligman website will be off some interest to you. If you already know all of this sorry.
    anyway man keep killing it and no you have a huge fan in Ireland.
    Eamonn Harford

  3. Loving the posts Ben! keep them coming! ๐Ÿ™‚
    Why do you have your breakfast a hour after you wake up? Should you not try to have it straight away?

  4. Kathryn Preisendorf

    This sounds like the same protocol of a former monk that I just read about, and this is how I want to create my days to be successful. I do meditation but added in the gratitude this morning and it helped me set up my day even better! Thanks for the inspiration!

  5. Healohanani Montgomery

    Setting your compass, starting with peace and intention (aka tapping into infinite power)
    I knew there was something different about you on stage this year that I responded to. Now as I am understanding you a little more – it is LIGHT. A brilliant light – you are allowing your self to be a clear resounding instrument of your highest self through all your discipline.
    The pH water, the carbless breakfast, the meditiaion hour … I’m inspired and reminded how to reprioritize my morning hours. Respectfully, Healohanani Montgomery

  6. I wake up at 7:30. I don’t use an alarm clock and when I wake, I immediately become aware of what emotions, thoughts, and feelings I have and Let them all float through me. I engage them and they become the things I should do that day. this all takes about 10 minutes. I then turn to my wife and say something to make her a happier morning person, then Immediately drink 1 liter of water with 1 lemon.
    I then study nutritional and exercise material from 2 certs that I am enrolled in.
    Meal plans and email from clients soon follow along with marketing on facebook and checking texts.
    Pre workout consisting of
    500mg bacopa
    255mg huperzine
    10mg vinpocetine
    120mg ginkgo
    100mg citicholine
    1G alpha gpc
    10 grams aminos
    1tbs coconut oil
    1.5 grams ALCAR
    200mg R-ALA
    Then I follow your Hypertrophy max phase 9 ๐Ÿ™‚ (shameless plug)
    I don’t know If you’ve heard of Eckhart Tolle? I would suggest adding that to your EVENING routine. I will relax and ground you and I feel deeply effects my MORNING routine.
    I live this life. Nutrition, fitness, heatlh. My wife and I do nothing else and don’t want to! We have had some amazing people with very unique mental and physical issues that through resources and continuous pursuit of wisdom, have been able to help them more that we could have hope for! I live the life I love day in and day out. It keeps getting better and better. I want to surround myself with people driven into this lifestyle. I have been pulling them slowly into my circle, learning more and more.

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